Chromium periodic table
Chromium periodic table

Notwithstanding the foregoing paragraph, if there is a change of more than 3% to the rate of exchange of Sterling against foreign currencies including, but not limited to, the Euro and US Dollar since the date of receipt of an order then VWR may require the customer to renegotiate the prices relating to the relevant order. VWR has the right to change the prices shown in catalogues and price lists at any time and to invoice at prices current at the date of receipt of an order.

chromium periodic table

Should VWR need to supply products and/or services of different specifications, sources, and pack size to that published or ordered by the customer, VWR shall do so only after consultation with and agreement by the customer. The terms and conditions of the contract apply equally to the supply of both products and services except where application to one or the other is specified. The customer’s order for the products and/or services is an offer by the customer to purchase those products and/or services in accordance with these terms and conditions and shall only be deemed accepted when VWR issues written acceptance of the order, at which point the contract between the customer and VWR for the supply of those products and/or services, comes into existence (contract).Īny additional or special terms included by VWR in its written acceptance shall form part of the contract.


VWR reserves the right immediately to cancel any orders from customers who have not complied in full with these procedures. VWR’s products can be hazardous and all customers are required to comply with the VWR account application procedures which are available on request.

chromium periodic table

These terms and conditions apply to the exclusion of any other terms submitted by the customer or which are implied by any trade, custom, practice or course of dealing.

chromium periodic table

These terms and conditions cover all sales of products and services by VWR International Ltd (VWR) in the United Kingdom and any information and advice given whether charged for or not, unless otherwise agreed by VWR in writing.

Chromium periodic table