Keep it in your pants
Keep it in your pants

There’s nothing more disgusting than listening to someone use the bathroom on the phone, so be sure not to follow suit! Not only will the person on the other end of the line hear bathroom sounds but also it is an invasion of your co-workers' privacy that are using the facilities.Ĥ. This rule should apply not just to work etiquette but any public toilet. Don't Bring Your Cell Phone Into the Restroom They have a job to do, and you don’t want to be the one distracting them from it.ģ. Not everyone is interested in your personal life. When you are ready to converse, make sure you find a secluded area from the rest of your coworkers. Important phone calls will leave a voice mail, which you can call back depending on the situation. If you are not sure whether your phone call is important or dire to answer, let it go to voice mail. Important calls mean emergencies, not gossip or family drama. If you have your cell phone at work, you should only use it for important calls. In addition, you don't want your superior to know how often you get calls. Not only is it distracting to your coworkers but it is also to yourself when you are trying to concentrate. Even the sound of constant vibrations on top of a desk can become annoying to others if you are in a cramped work environment. If you have your cell phone at work, it shouldn't ring, ping, or make any noise. Mind your Mobile manners and follow these tips at work: When it comes to using your cell phone at work, you have to be respectful of your co-workers and your boss, as well as knowing your limits of concentration and maintaining the ability to get the job done. Besides loud text pings, continuous cell phone calls, or email notifications, your phone can also disrupt your workflow. Having your cell phone at work can be useful, but if you don’t respect those around you as well as your work effort it can be very disruptive. When I’ve forgotten my cell phone at home, I’ve felt like I had phantom limb syndrome. In the digital age, we keep our cell phones on us at all times.

Keep it in your pants